Orden Carmelitana
Sábado, 30 Diciembre, 2017
Tiempo de Navidad
1) Oración
Dios todopoderoso, a quien nadie ha visto nunca; tú que has disipado las tinieblas del mundo con la venida de Cristo, la Luz verdadera, míranos complacido, para que podamos cantar dignamente la gloria del nacimiento de tu Hijo. Que vive y reina
2) Lectura
Del Evangelio según Lucas 2,36-40
Había también una profetisa, Ana, hija de Fanuel, de la tribu de Aser, de edad avanzada. Casada en su juventud, había vivido siete años con su marido, y luego quedó viuda hasta los ochenta y cuatro años; no se apartaba del Templo, sirviendo a Dios noche y día en ayunos y oraciones. Presentándose en aquella misma hora, alababa a Dios y hablaba del niño a todos los que esperaban la redención de Jerusalén. Así que cumplieron todas las cosas según la Ley del Señor, volvieron a Galilea, a su ciudad de Nazaret. El niño crecía y se fortalecía, llenándose de sabiduría; y la gracia de Dios estaba sobre él.
3) Reflexión
• En los primeros dos capítulos de Lucas, todo gira alrededor del nacimiento de dos criaturas: Juan y Jesús. Los dos capítulos nos hacen sentir el perfume del Evangelio de Lucas. En ellos, el ambiente es de ternura y de alabanza. Desde el comienzo hasta el fin, se alaba y se canta la misericordia de Dios: los cánticos de María (Lc 1,46-55), de Zacarías (Lc 1,68-79), de los ángeles (Lc 2,14), de Simeón (Lc 2,29-32). Finalmente, Dios llega para cumplir sus promesas, y las cumple a favor de los pobres, de los anawim, de los que supieron perseverar y esperar su venida: Isabel, Zacarías, María, José, Simeón, Ana y los pastores.
• Los capítulos 1 y 2 del Evangelio de Lucas son muy conocidos, pero se profundiza poco en ellos. Lucas escribe imitando los escritos del AT. Es como si los dos primeros capítulos de su evangelio fueran el último capítulo que abre la puerta para la llegada del Nuevo. Estos dos capítulos son el gozne entre el AT y el NT. Lucas quiere mostrar cómo se está realizando las profecías. Juan y Jesús cumplen el Antiguo e inician el Nuevo.
• Lucas 2,36-37: La vida de la profetisa Ana. “Había también una profetisa, Ana, hija de Fanuel, de la tribu de Aser, de edad avanzada. Casada en su juventud, había vivido siete años con su marido, y luego quedó viuda hasta los ochenta y cuatro años; no se apartaba del Templo, sirviendo a Dios noche y día en ayunos y oraciones”. Al igual que Judit (Jd 8,1-6), Ana es viuda. Al igual que Débora (Ju 4,4), ella es profetisa. Esto es, una persona que comunica algo de Dios y que tiene una apertura especial para las cosas de la fe hasta el punto de poderlas comunicar a los demás. Ana se casó joven, vivió casada siete años, se quedó viuda y siguió dedicándose a Dios hasta los 84 años. Hoy, en casi todas nuestras comunidades, en el mundo entero, es posible encontrar a gente de una cierta edad, mujeres, muchas de ellas viudas, cuya vida se resume en rezar, asistir a celebraciones y servir al prójimo.
• Lucas 2,38: Ana y el niño Jesús. “Presentándose en aquella misma hora, alababa a Dios y hablaba del niño a todos los que esperaban la redención de Jerusalén”. Llegó al templo en el momento en que Simeón abrazaba al niño y conversaba con María sobre el futuro del niño (Lc 2,25-35). Lucas sugiere que Ana participó en ese gesto. La mirada de Ana es una mirada de fe. Ve a un niño en los brazos de su madre y descubre en el al Salvador del mundo.
• Lucas 2,39-40: La vida de Jesús en Nazaret. “Así que cumplieron todas las cosas según la Ley del Señor, volvieron a Galilea, a su ciudad de Nazaret. El niño crecía y se fortalecía, llenándose de sabiduría; y la gracia de Dios estaba sobre él”. En estas pocas palabras, Lucas comunica algo del misterio de la encarnación. “El Verbo se hizo carne y puso su morada entre nosotros” (Jn1,14). El Hijo de Dios se volvió en todo igual a nosotros, y asumió la condición de siervo (Filip 2,7). Fue obediente hasta la muerte y a la muerte de cruz (Filip 2,8). De los treinta y tres años que vivió entre nosotros, treinta los vivió en Nazaret. Si uno quiere saber cómo fue la vida del Hijo de Dios durante los años que vivió en Nazaret, tiene que tratar de conocer la vida de cualquier nazareno de aquella época, cambiar el nombre, ponerle el nombre de Jesús y conocerá la vida del Hijo de Dios durante los treinta y tres años de su vida, igual a nosotros en todo, excepto en el pecado (Heb 4,15). En estos treinta años de su vida, “El niño crecía y se fortalecía, llenándose de sabiduría; y la gracia de Dios estaba sobre él”. En otro lugar Lucas afirma la misma cosa con otras palabras. Dice que el niño “crecía en sabiduría, en edad y en gracia, tanto para Dios como para los hombres” (Lc 2,52). Crecer en sabiduría significa asimilar los conocimientos, la experiencia humana acumulada a lo largo de los siglos: los tiempos, las fiestas, los remedios, las plantas, las oraciones, las costumbres, etc. Esto se aprende viviendo y conviviendo e la comunidad natural de la gente. Crecer en edad significa nacer pequeño, crecer y devenir adulto. Es el proceso de cada ser humano, con sus alegrías y tristezas, sus descubrimientos y frustraciones, sus rabias y sus amores. Esto se aprende viviendo y conviviendo en la familia con los padres, los hermanos y las hermanas, los tíos y los parientes. Crecer en gracia significa: describir la presencia de Dios en la vida, su acción en todo lo que acontece, la vocación, su llamada. La carta a los Hebreos dice que: “Aun siendo Hijo, aprendió en su pasión lo que es obedecer” (Heb 4,8).
4) Para la reflexión personal
• ¿Conoces a personas como Ana, que tienen una mirada de fe sobre las cosas de la vida?
• Crecer en sabiduría, en edad y en gracia: ¿Cómo acontece esto en mi vida?
5) Oración final
Cantad a Yahvé, bendecid su nombre!
Anunciad su salvación día a día,
contad su gloria a las naciones,
sus maravillas a todos los pueblos. (Sal 96,2-3
Dios todopoderoso, a quien nadie ha visto nunca; tú que has disipado las tinieblas del mundo con la venida de Cristo, la Luz verdadera, míranos complacido, para que podamos cantar dignamente la gloria del nacimiento de tu Hijo. Que vive y reina
2) Lectura
Del Evangelio según Lucas 2,36-40
Había también una profetisa, Ana, hija de Fanuel, de la tribu de Aser, de edad avanzada. Casada en su juventud, había vivido siete años con su marido, y luego quedó viuda hasta los ochenta y cuatro años; no se apartaba del Templo, sirviendo a Dios noche y día en ayunos y oraciones. Presentándose en aquella misma hora, alababa a Dios y hablaba del niño a todos los que esperaban la redención de Jerusalén. Así que cumplieron todas las cosas según la Ley del Señor, volvieron a Galilea, a su ciudad de Nazaret. El niño crecía y se fortalecía, llenándose de sabiduría; y la gracia de Dios estaba sobre él.
3) Reflexión
• En los primeros dos capítulos de Lucas, todo gira alrededor del nacimiento de dos criaturas: Juan y Jesús. Los dos capítulos nos hacen sentir el perfume del Evangelio de Lucas. En ellos, el ambiente es de ternura y de alabanza. Desde el comienzo hasta el fin, se alaba y se canta la misericordia de Dios: los cánticos de María (Lc 1,46-55), de Zacarías (Lc 1,68-79), de los ángeles (Lc 2,14), de Simeón (Lc 2,29-32). Finalmente, Dios llega para cumplir sus promesas, y las cumple a favor de los pobres, de los anawim, de los que supieron perseverar y esperar su venida: Isabel, Zacarías, María, José, Simeón, Ana y los pastores.
• Los capítulos 1 y 2 del Evangelio de Lucas son muy conocidos, pero se profundiza poco en ellos. Lucas escribe imitando los escritos del AT. Es como si los dos primeros capítulos de su evangelio fueran el último capítulo que abre la puerta para la llegada del Nuevo. Estos dos capítulos son el gozne entre el AT y el NT. Lucas quiere mostrar cómo se está realizando las profecías. Juan y Jesús cumplen el Antiguo e inician el Nuevo.
• Lucas 2,36-37: La vida de la profetisa Ana. “Había también una profetisa, Ana, hija de Fanuel, de la tribu de Aser, de edad avanzada. Casada en su juventud, había vivido siete años con su marido, y luego quedó viuda hasta los ochenta y cuatro años; no se apartaba del Templo, sirviendo a Dios noche y día en ayunos y oraciones”. Al igual que Judit (Jd 8,1-6), Ana es viuda. Al igual que Débora (Ju 4,4), ella es profetisa. Esto es, una persona que comunica algo de Dios y que tiene una apertura especial para las cosas de la fe hasta el punto de poderlas comunicar a los demás. Ana se casó joven, vivió casada siete años, se quedó viuda y siguió dedicándose a Dios hasta los 84 años. Hoy, en casi todas nuestras comunidades, en el mundo entero, es posible encontrar a gente de una cierta edad, mujeres, muchas de ellas viudas, cuya vida se resume en rezar, asistir a celebraciones y servir al prójimo.
• Lucas 2,38: Ana y el niño Jesús. “Presentándose en aquella misma hora, alababa a Dios y hablaba del niño a todos los que esperaban la redención de Jerusalén”. Llegó al templo en el momento en que Simeón abrazaba al niño y conversaba con María sobre el futuro del niño (Lc 2,25-35). Lucas sugiere que Ana participó en ese gesto. La mirada de Ana es una mirada de fe. Ve a un niño en los brazos de su madre y descubre en el al Salvador del mundo.
• Lucas 2,39-40: La vida de Jesús en Nazaret. “Así que cumplieron todas las cosas según la Ley del Señor, volvieron a Galilea, a su ciudad de Nazaret. El niño crecía y se fortalecía, llenándose de sabiduría; y la gracia de Dios estaba sobre él”. En estas pocas palabras, Lucas comunica algo del misterio de la encarnación. “El Verbo se hizo carne y puso su morada entre nosotros” (Jn1,14). El Hijo de Dios se volvió en todo igual a nosotros, y asumió la condición de siervo (Filip 2,7). Fue obediente hasta la muerte y a la muerte de cruz (Filip 2,8). De los treinta y tres años que vivió entre nosotros, treinta los vivió en Nazaret. Si uno quiere saber cómo fue la vida del Hijo de Dios durante los años que vivió en Nazaret, tiene que tratar de conocer la vida de cualquier nazareno de aquella época, cambiar el nombre, ponerle el nombre de Jesús y conocerá la vida del Hijo de Dios durante los treinta y tres años de su vida, igual a nosotros en todo, excepto en el pecado (Heb 4,15). En estos treinta años de su vida, “El niño crecía y se fortalecía, llenándose de sabiduría; y la gracia de Dios estaba sobre él”. En otro lugar Lucas afirma la misma cosa con otras palabras. Dice que el niño “crecía en sabiduría, en edad y en gracia, tanto para Dios como para los hombres” (Lc 2,52). Crecer en sabiduría significa asimilar los conocimientos, la experiencia humana acumulada a lo largo de los siglos: los tiempos, las fiestas, los remedios, las plantas, las oraciones, las costumbres, etc. Esto se aprende viviendo y conviviendo e la comunidad natural de la gente. Crecer en edad significa nacer pequeño, crecer y devenir adulto. Es el proceso de cada ser humano, con sus alegrías y tristezas, sus descubrimientos y frustraciones, sus rabias y sus amores. Esto se aprende viviendo y conviviendo en la familia con los padres, los hermanos y las hermanas, los tíos y los parientes. Crecer en gracia significa: describir la presencia de Dios en la vida, su acción en todo lo que acontece, la vocación, su llamada. La carta a los Hebreos dice que: “Aun siendo Hijo, aprendió en su pasión lo que es obedecer” (Heb 4,8).
4) Para la reflexión personal
• ¿Conoces a personas como Ana, que tienen una mirada de fe sobre las cosas de la vida?
• Crecer en sabiduría, en edad y en gracia: ¿Cómo acontece esto en mi vida?
5) Oración final
Cantad a Yahvé, bendecid su nombre!
Anunciad su salvación día a día,
contad su gloria a las naciones,
sus maravillas a todos los pueblos. (Sal 96,2-3
Lectio Divina:
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Christmas Time
1) Opening prayer
Almighty Father,
you let humble, faithful people
recognize your Son
and welcome him as the Saviour
who brought freedom and life to his people.
May we too recognize and welcome Jesus
in all that is little and humble
and with him grow up in wisdom and grace
to the maturity of your sons and daughters,
so that we attain the full stature of Jesus.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Almighty Father,
you let humble, faithful people
recognize your Son
and welcome him as the Saviour
who brought freedom and life to his people.
May we too recognize and welcome Jesus
in all that is little and humble
and with him grow up in wisdom and grace
to the maturity of your sons and daughters,
so that we attain the full stature of Jesus.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
2) Gospel reading - Luke 2,36-40
There was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was well on in years. Her days of girlhood over, she had been married for seven years before becoming a widow. She was now eighty-four years old and never left the Temple, serving God night and day with fasting and prayer. She came up just at that moment and began to praise God; and she spoke of the child to all who looked forward to the deliverance of Jerusalem.
When they had done everything the Law of the Lord required, they went back to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. And as the child grew to maturity, he was filled with wisdom; and God's favour was with him.
There was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was well on in years. Her days of girlhood over, she had been married for seven years before becoming a widow. She was now eighty-four years old and never left the Temple, serving God night and day with fasting and prayer. She came up just at that moment and began to praise God; and she spoke of the child to all who looked forward to the deliverance of Jerusalem.
When they had done everything the Law of the Lord required, they went back to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. And as the child grew to maturity, he was filled with wisdom; and God's favour was with him.
3) Reflection
• In the first two chapters of Luke’s Gospel, everything turns around the birth of two persons: John and Jesus. The two chapters make us feel the perfume of the Gospel of Luke. In it the environment is one of tenderness and of praise. From the beginning until the end, the mercy of God is sung and praised: The canticles of Mary (Lk 1, 46-55), of Zechariah (Lk 1, 68-79), of the Angels (Lk 2, 14), of Simeon (Lk 2, 29-32). Finally, God comes to fulfil his promises and he fulfils them in behalf of the poor, of the anawim, of those who know how to persevere and hope in his coming: Elizabeth, Zechariah, Mary, Joseph, Simeon, Anna, the shepherds.
• Chapters 1 and 2 of Luke’s Gospel are very well known, but not deepened enough. Luke writes imitating the writings of the Old Testament. It is as if the first two chapters of his Gospel were the last chapter of the Old Testament which opens the door for the coming of the New. These two chapters are the foundation or hinge between the New and the Old Testament. Luke wants to show that the prophecies are being realized. John and Jesus fulfil the Old and begin the New.
• Luke 2, 36-37: The life of the Prophetess Anna. “There was a prophetess, Anna, daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was well on in years. She had been married for seven years before becoming a widow. She was now eighty-four years old and never left the Temple, serving God night and day with fasting and praying”. Like Judith (Jdt 8, 1-6), Anna was also a widow. Like Deborah (Jg 4, 4), she also was a prophetess. That is, a person who communicates something of God and who has a special opening toward the things of faith to the point of being able to communicate them to others. Anna got married when she was young, and lived seven years married, then she became a widow and continued to dedicate herself to God up to the age of eighty-four years. Today, in almost all our communities, in the whole world, we find groups of women of a certain age, many of them are widows, whose life is reassumed in prayer and in being present in the celebrations and in service to the neighbour.
• Luke 2, 38: Anna and the Child Jesus. “She came up just at that moment and began to praise God, and she spoke of the child to all who looked toward to the deliverance of Jerusalem”. She went to the Temple at the moment when Simeon embraces the child and speaks with Mary concerning the future of her son (Lk 2, 25-35). Luke suggests that Anna takes part in this gesture. The look of Anna is one of faith. She sees a child in the arms of his mother and discovers in him the Saviour of the world.
• Luke 2, 39-40: The life of Jesus in Nazareth. “When they had done everything the Law of the Lord required, they went back to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. And as the child grew to maturity, he was filled with wisdom and God’s favour was with him”. In these few words, Luke communicates something of the Mystery of the Incarnation. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (Jn 1, 14). The Son of God becomes equal to us in all things and assumes the condition of Servant (Ph 2, 7). He was obedient even unto death and death on the cross (Ph 2, 8). He lived thirty-three years among us, and of these, he lived thirty in Nazareth. If we want to know how the life of the Son of God was during the years that he lived in Nazareth, we have to try to know the life of any Nazarene of that time, change his name, give him the name of Jesus and we will know the life of the Son of God in the thirty-three years of his life, in everything like us except sin (Heb 4, 15). During these years of his life, “The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon him”. In another passage, Luke affirms the same thing using other words. He says that the child “grew in wisdom, age and grace before God and men” (Lk 2, 52). To grow in wisdom means to assimilate the knowledge, the accumulated human experience throughout the centuries: the times, the feasts, the medicine, the plants, prayer, customs and uses, etc. This is learnt living and living together in the natural community of the people. To grow in age means, to be born small, to grow and to become an adult. This is the process of every human being, with his joys and his sadness, his discoveries and his frustrations, his anger and his love. This is learnt by living and by living together in the family, with the parents, the brothers and the sisters, the relatives. To grow in grace means: to discover the presence of God in the life, his action in everything that happens, vocation, his call. The Letter to the Hebrews says that: “Even if he was the Son, he learnt obedience through his sufferings” (Heb 5, 8).
• In the first two chapters of Luke’s Gospel, everything turns around the birth of two persons: John and Jesus. The two chapters make us feel the perfume of the Gospel of Luke. In it the environment is one of tenderness and of praise. From the beginning until the end, the mercy of God is sung and praised: The canticles of Mary (Lk 1, 46-55), of Zechariah (Lk 1, 68-79), of the Angels (Lk 2, 14), of Simeon (Lk 2, 29-32). Finally, God comes to fulfil his promises and he fulfils them in behalf of the poor, of the anawim, of those who know how to persevere and hope in his coming: Elizabeth, Zechariah, Mary, Joseph, Simeon, Anna, the shepherds.
• Chapters 1 and 2 of Luke’s Gospel are very well known, but not deepened enough. Luke writes imitating the writings of the Old Testament. It is as if the first two chapters of his Gospel were the last chapter of the Old Testament which opens the door for the coming of the New. These two chapters are the foundation or hinge between the New and the Old Testament. Luke wants to show that the prophecies are being realized. John and Jesus fulfil the Old and begin the New.
• Luke 2, 36-37: The life of the Prophetess Anna. “There was a prophetess, Anna, daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was well on in years. She had been married for seven years before becoming a widow. She was now eighty-four years old and never left the Temple, serving God night and day with fasting and praying”. Like Judith (Jdt 8, 1-6), Anna was also a widow. Like Deborah (Jg 4, 4), she also was a prophetess. That is, a person who communicates something of God and who has a special opening toward the things of faith to the point of being able to communicate them to others. Anna got married when she was young, and lived seven years married, then she became a widow and continued to dedicate herself to God up to the age of eighty-four years. Today, in almost all our communities, in the whole world, we find groups of women of a certain age, many of them are widows, whose life is reassumed in prayer and in being present in the celebrations and in service to the neighbour.
• Luke 2, 38: Anna and the Child Jesus. “She came up just at that moment and began to praise God, and she spoke of the child to all who looked toward to the deliverance of Jerusalem”. She went to the Temple at the moment when Simeon embraces the child and speaks with Mary concerning the future of her son (Lk 2, 25-35). Luke suggests that Anna takes part in this gesture. The look of Anna is one of faith. She sees a child in the arms of his mother and discovers in him the Saviour of the world.
• Luke 2, 39-40: The life of Jesus in Nazareth. “When they had done everything the Law of the Lord required, they went back to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. And as the child grew to maturity, he was filled with wisdom and God’s favour was with him”. In these few words, Luke communicates something of the Mystery of the Incarnation. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (Jn 1, 14). The Son of God becomes equal to us in all things and assumes the condition of Servant (Ph 2, 7). He was obedient even unto death and death on the cross (Ph 2, 8). He lived thirty-three years among us, and of these, he lived thirty in Nazareth. If we want to know how the life of the Son of God was during the years that he lived in Nazareth, we have to try to know the life of any Nazarene of that time, change his name, give him the name of Jesus and we will know the life of the Son of God in the thirty-three years of his life, in everything like us except sin (Heb 4, 15). During these years of his life, “The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon him”. In another passage, Luke affirms the same thing using other words. He says that the child “grew in wisdom, age and grace before God and men” (Lk 2, 52). To grow in wisdom means to assimilate the knowledge, the accumulated human experience throughout the centuries: the times, the feasts, the medicine, the plants, prayer, customs and uses, etc. This is learnt living and living together in the natural community of the people. To grow in age means, to be born small, to grow and to become an adult. This is the process of every human being, with his joys and his sadness, his discoveries and his frustrations, his anger and his love. This is learnt by living and by living together in the family, with the parents, the brothers and the sisters, the relatives. To grow in grace means: to discover the presence of God in the life, his action in everything that happens, vocation, his call. The Letter to the Hebrews says that: “Even if he was the Son, he learnt obedience through his sufferings” (Heb 5, 8).
4) Personal questions
• Do you know any persons like Anna, who have a look of faith on the things of life?
• To grow in wisdom, age and grace, how does this take place in my life?
• Do you know any persons like Anna, who have a look of faith on the things of life?
• To grow in wisdom, age and grace, how does this take place in my life?
5) Concluding prayer
Sing to Yahweh, bless his name!
Proclaim his salvation day after day,
declare his glory among the nations,
his marvels to every people! (Sal 96,2-3
Sing to Yahweh, bless his name!
Proclaim his salvation day after day,
declare his glory among the nations,
his marvels to every people! (Sal 96,2-3
Sabato, 30 Dicembre, 2017
Tempo di Natale
1) Preghiera
Dio grande e misericordioso,
la nuova nascita del tuo unico Figlio
nella nostra carne mortale
ci liberi dalla schiavitù antica,
che ci tiene sotto il giogo del peccato.
Per il nostro Signore Gesù Cristo...
2) Lettura
Dal Vangelo secondo Luca 2,36-40
In quel tempo, c’era una profetessa, Anna, figlia di Fanuele, della tribù di Aser molto avanzata in età, aveva vissuto col marito sette anni dal tempo in cui era ragazza, era poi rimasta vedova e ora aveva ottantaquattro anni. Non si allontanava mai dal tempio, servendo Dio notte e giorno con digiuni e preghiere. Sopraggiunta in quel momento, si mise anche lei a lodare Dio e parlava del bambino a quanti aspettavano la redenzione di Gerusalemme.
Quando ebbero tutto compiuto secondo la legge del Signore, fecero ritorno in Galilea, alla loro città di Nazaret. Il bambino cresceva e si fortificava, pieno di sapienza, e la grazia di Dio era sopra di lui.
3) Riflessione
• Nei primi due capitoli di Luca, tutto ruota attorno alla nascita di due creature: Giovanni e Gesù. I due capitoli ci fanno sentire il profumo del Vangelo di Luca. In essi, l’ambiente è di tenerezza e di lode. Dall’inizio alla fine, si loda e si canta la misericordia di Dio: i cantici di Maria (Lc 1,46-55), di Zaccaria (Lc 1,68-79), degli angeli (Lc 2,14), di Simeone (Lc 2,29-32). Finalmente, Dio viene per compiere le sue promesse, e le compie a favore dei poveri, degli anawim, di coloro che sanno perseverare e sperare nella sua venuta: Elisabetta, Zaccaria, Maria, Giuseppe, Simeone, Anna, i pastori.
• I capitoli 1 e 2 del Vangelo di Luca sono molto conosciuti, ma poco approfonditi. Luca scrive imitando gli scritti dell’AT. E’ come se i primi due capitoli del suo vangelo fossero l’ultimo capitolo dell’AT che apre la porta per la venuta del Nuovo. Questi due capitoli sono il cardine tra il Nuovo e l’Antico Testamento. Luca vuole dimostrare che le profezie si stanno realizzando. Giovanni e Gesù compiono l’Antico ed iniziano il Nuovo.
• Luca 2,36-37: La vita della profetessa Anna. “In quel tempo, c’era una profetessa, Anna, figlia di Fanuele, della tribù di Aser molto avanzata in età, aveva vissuto col marito sette anni dal tempo in cui era ragazza, era poi rimasta vedova e ora aveva ottantaquattro anni. Non si allontanava mai dal tempio, servendo Dio notte e giorno con digiuni e preghiere.” Come Giuditta (Gd 8,1-6), anche Anna è vedova. Come Debora (Jz 4,4), anche lei è profetessa. Cioè, è una persona che comunica qualcosa di Dio e che ha un’apertura speciale verso le cose della fede fino al punto di poterle comunicare agli altri. Anna si è sposata giovane, ha vissuto da sposata sette anni, è rimasta vedova e continua a dedicarsi a Dio fino all’età di ottantaquattro anni. Oggi, in quasi tutte le nostre comunità, nel mondo intero, si incontrano un gruppo di signore di una certa età, molte di loro vedove, la cui vita si riassume nella preghiera e nell’essere presenti alle celebrazioni e nel servizio al prossimo.
• Luca 2,38: Anna e il bambino Gesù. “Sopraggiunta in quel momento, si mise anche lei a lodare Dio e parlava del bambino a quanti aspettavano la redenzione di Gerusalemme”. Giunse al tempio nel momento in cui Simeone abbracciava il bambino e conversava con Maria sul futuro del figlio (Lc 2,25-35). Luca suggerisce che Anna prenda parte a questo gesto. Lo sguardo di Anna è uno sguardo di fede. Lei vede un bambino nelle braccia di sua madre e scopre in lui il Salvatore del mondo.
• Luca 2,39-40: La vita di Gesù a Nazaret. “Quando ebbero tutto compiuto secondo la legge del Signore, fecero ritorno in Galilea, alla loro città di Nazaret. Il bambino cresceva e si fortificava, pieno di sapienza, e la grazia di Dio era sopra di lui”. In queste poche parole, Luca comunica qualcosa del mistero dell’incarnazione. “Il Verbo si fece carne e fissò tra di noi la sua dimora” (Gv 1,14). Il Figlio di Dio si fece uguale a noi in tutto ed assunse la condizione di servo (Filip 2,7). Fu obbediente fino alla morte ed alla morte di croce (Filip 2,8). Visse trentatre anni fra di noi, e di questi trenta li visse a Nazaret. Se vogliamo sapere come fu la vita del Figlio di Dio durante gli anni che visse a Nazaret, dobbiamo cercare di conoscere la vita di qualsiasi nazareno di quell’epoca, cambiare il nome, dargli il nome di Gesù e conosceremo la vita del Figlio di Dio nei trenta e tre anni della sua vita, in tutto uguale a noi, tranne che nel peccato (Eb 4,15). In questi anni della sua vita, “il bambino cresceva e si fortificava, pieno di sapienza, e la grazia di Dio era sopra di lui”. In un altro passaggio, Luca afferma la stessa cosa con altre parole. Dice che il bambino “cresceva in sapienza, età e grazia davanti a Dio e agli uomini” (Lc 2,52). Crescere in sapienza significa assimilare la conoscenza, l’esperienza umana accumulata lungo i secoli: i tempi, le feste, le medicine, le piante, le preghiere, le usanze, ecc. Ciò si impara vivendo e convivendo nella comunità naturale della gente. Crescere in età significa nascere piccolo, crescere e diventare adulto. E’ il processo di ogni essere umano con le sue gioie e le sue tristezze, le sue scoperte e frustrazioni, le sue rabbie e i suoi amori. Ciò si impara vivendo e convivendo in famiglia, con i genitori, i fratelli e le sorelle, i parenti. Crescere in grazia significa: scoprire la presenza di Dio nella vita, la sua azione in tutto ciò che succede, la vocazione, la sua chiamata. La lettera agli Ebrei dice che: “Pur essendo Figlio, imparò l’obbedienza dalle cose che patì” (Eb 5,8).
4) Per un confronto personale
• Conosci persone come Anna, che hanno uno sguardo di fede sulle cose della vita?
• Crescere in sapienza, età e grazia: come avviene questo nella mia vita?
5) Preghiera finale
Annunziate di giorno in giorno la salvezza del Signore,
in mezzo ai popoli narrate la sua gloria,
a tutte le nazioni dite i suoi prodigi. (Sal 95